Around lunchtime though I do take half an hour to potter in the garden and it's paying off. Anyone who's been to our place over the last year will know the garden was a tip as we moved all the beds, laid out paths and finished off building works. It's great to see it coming together so I'm adding a load of garden photo's, my mum likes to see these! and lots of plants have come my way from her lovely garden in Cornwall.
As you can see the Garden Kitchen is finished, with electricity and running water, the fireplace works great and kicks out the heat. It's now a case of finishing the pizza oven.
My allotment, just starting to get going!
And then there's these, finished ready, thrown, altered, three sided plate/bowl. I really love these sculptural shapes.
And finally, tomorrow this old fella is coming down. He's dying slowly and if you know your tree's you'll know it's dangerous when these start to age as branches easily fall off. I was gutted when I found out but now, being practical, I'm okay about it.
Just to make it even easier Jon has got materials together to build me a shepherds hut there instead to have as my potting shed! Happy Days!