So here we are finally after a long day on Thursday, teaching, driving and then setting up at the show!

We meet this lovely lady, Ping was the winner of Master Chef last year and used our bowls in her demonstrations which was great. Her food smelled great and she brought some bowls for her home too.

And we got told today that we won this! The prize is a free stand at the next show, that's a great prize.

Meet lots of lovely people too so very happy.
What a week! Loads happening every day and lots of exciting developments. It was a real pleasure to meet Marcus and Jenny Bean earlier in the week and he gave us a copy of his cook book. We'll be at Exeter with Marcus demonstrating on the Sunday.

I finished a comission piece for a wedding in a week! Fast turn around arrived solely because the kilns is constantly firing.

The Sytch Farm Studios stamp is on the back with a hand written message.

And here is part of our new stand, I'll add photo's from Exeter.

And then I find us in The Great British Food magazine, bonus!

And tonight a quick photo shot of a 'Shooting Board'

Is it still under a year since I started 'thinking about' making the pottery into a business? It seems crazy now with everything that has happened, and keeps happening, but there's still the everyday stuff to do as well. Like cleaning out the chickens, a lot more often too since the new guys arrived! 

Popped down to the fab Entertaining Elephants today  to re stock, beautiful stuff, got myself a treat too, easily done with the range Jo offers.

It's been a bizarre weather week too, one minute beautiful sunshine and quick as a flash massive down pours, I would n't mind too much but still trying to replant and move plants in the garden. At least it was dry when a ton of clay from St Agnes arrived, beautiful soft white stoneware!

And a few quick photo's of products before sending down to the editor of 'Delicious' magazine, wow, now in this magazines Christmas Gift Guide section, what the?

 I opened the fridge to find these this morning, hence Jon being very cheffy tonite!

Which is lovely after a long but great day on Sunday at Marcus Beans Shropshire Bake Off.

Don't think you could of asked for better weather and it got hot! 

Best burgers ever for lunch, what else did we expect?!