These are two test glazes which fired over the weekend. I am really happy with the results but very aware they are not cheap and will add extra costs to the bowls. I have been throwing really large bowls of late however and maybe they would compliment these bowls as real statement pieces.
Here's how I use my boards and bowls to chill for supper after a great week, after years of making and using bowls of all different sizes I don't know what I'd do without them. 

Today ordered lots of the lovely blue glaze I found, planning to do some big blue bowls, picking out the motifs with some oxides, fingers crossed for some good results.

Waiting for a walk, even after a lovely early morning run.

I've spent the last couple of days throwing the biggest bowls I can, suitable for 6/8 to share food from. Some of them will be decorative centre pieces with the motif details above added on to the outside. 

These will take some time to dry out before firing but it would be great to have some ready for Chester Food Drink and Lifestyle show. I've made smaller ones with single details to match.

I've got lots of ideas on how to develop these further and am excited as to how they could look.

Country living Fair done! Loads of great comments, great advice and great sales, a busy few days and the real traders are all still there. I was knackered after one day, respect to those doing the full five days. Lots of beautiful work and gifts, and good input from the Country living team.  Thank you for the opportunity.

 As a side note I can recommend Premier Inn at Islington, great rooms, parking opposite and Upper Street has loads of great restaurants and bars.

Now back to preparing for Chester.

Jon is kneeling at this point!

 So that's it, last glaze kiln for London in, no more pressure now on the glazing front, I've done as much as I can. Had so many firings that a kiln element broke which Jon's had to repair. 

With the pressure off I focused on packing in the sunshine whilst Betty did some sun bathing. A little gardening and  now, unusually, I'm sitting on the sofa building up for a little nap before pricing and packing. 

One week to go and things are swiftly moving forward. The branding iron arrives today and Jon is working on those and the stand tonight. The glaze firings are going well and the last biscuit firing is running in the pottery right now.

Order forms are ready, product details are ready and I'm happy with the glazed work which has come out over the last couple of days.

Getting excited, getting tired but getting there!

Busy days but getting there, successful glaze firings, one more biscuit firing and we will be ready for London. Jon made lots of brilliant boards this weekend and whilst out and about brought me a Pressie for my pottery.

I have got most wreaths ready for London and one ready to post to my mum, new boxes! 

And first free time of the weekend, this evening took a lovely stroll in the sunshine, in theory next weekend will be easier as can only glaze, too late for any making for London. this has been a hard, busy time but enjoyed it too.

Country Living magazine has invited us to show at their Spring Fair in the London Business centre!!!!

Photos of the different sizes and styles ready to help me finalise ordering details.